Friday, June 17, 2022


After nearly three years and over two dozen blogs, I can retire from my successful effort to expose the corruption of justice at all levels of government in New Mexico.


My crusade began with an Animal Control Officer of the Las Cruces Police Department charging me, probably out of an antisemitic motive, with five phony code violations which lacked substantiating evidence or proof.  It ended with a Deputy Disciplinary Counsel dismissing my 11-page complaint supported by about 100 pages of documentation for “insufficient evidence” against a non-existent “Ms. Hays” and doing so in fewer than 14 working days, probably hurried to insult me for criticizing the Office of Disciplinary Counsel (ODC), an agency under the Supreme Court of New Mexico.


Along the way, my crusade encountered corruption: in the city, by two successive Chiefs of LCPD’s Internal Affairs Division, two successive Chiefs of Police, the City Attorney and a Senior Assistant City Attorney in the Law Office, the City Manager, and the Mayor and all members of two successive City Councils; in the legislature, the respective Chairs and members of the Senate and House Judiciary Committees; and in the administration, the Attorney General and the Governor of New Mexico.  None of these officials ever addressed the substantive or the procedural issues of my crusade.


In addition, not one lawyer who read my blogs offered any assistance or support.  At most, a few referred me to local lawyers, not one of whom either accepted or returned my call, or agreed to advise me on the merits of my crusade (I sought no representation).  No one at the ACLU or NAACP responded.  Not one lawyer, Republican or Democratic, in the legislature responded to me about the issues (as some have done on other issues).  Not one lawyer ever addressed the substantive or the procedural issues of my crusade.


Finally, although my blogs went to various media and columnists, not one explored or reported the substantive or the procedural issues raised in the course of my crusade.


In summary, not one informed official, lawyer, or journalist in New Mexico has shown any interest in the corruption of justice from a cop on the street to the highest court in the state.  Having exposed this corruption in detail, I retire from my crusade.  I have done my duty as a concerned citizen to provide information; I leave it to others to act on it.  I hope that some person or some organization in New Mexico cares enough about justice in the state to undertake an effort at reform.  But I shall not be surprised if citizens and officials of New Mexico persist in their historical and cultural indifference to corrupted justice.


*      *      *


I document the exchanges between the Office of Disciplinary Counsel and me.  In order, I attach my 11-page complaint, ODC’s 1-page dismissal, and my 1-page response.  This exchange demonstrates two things: one, the ODC’s government lawyers’ contempt for a detailed and documented complaint about the professional misconduct of another government lawyer; and, two, these lawyers’ desire to insult a citizen critical of its defective procedures, likely by signaling a hurried, cursory investigation or, more likely, none at all.




Addition to posted blog:


[NOTE: Any reader of this blog who wishes to see these documents, which I cannot attach, should provide his or her email address in a comment, and I shall provide them in an email in response.]

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